UK Freelance Cartoonist Chris Altham est 1988

UK Freelance
Chris Altham

UK Freelance Cartoonist Chris is for hire!For the amount of years I’ve been ‘at it’, I must be one of the most experienced professional cartoonists for hire in the UK. I’ve always worked as a freelancer which has enabled me to be creative on a mass of varied projects for client’s around the world. So, welcome to my cartoon portfolio website, showcasing my scribbles and illustration work as a; commercial freelance cartoonist, mural artist, drawing tutor and creative mix designer. Professional Cartoonists’s Organisation member.

Professional Cartoonists Organisation UK Freelance Cartoonist Chris Altham
Freelance Cartoonist for Hire Chris Altham Cartoons

Caricature of band members for a client in Italy

Freelance Cartoonist for Hire Chris Altham Cartoons
Freelance Cartoonist for Hire Chris Altham Cartoons

FebFREEary Cartoon Class

Freelance Cartoonist for Hire Chris Altham Cartoons

The Larks #22 Cartoon Strip – Man o Fire inner switched on

Freelance Cartoonist for Hire Chris Altham Cartoons

The Larks cartoon – silly sud washing car in the rain

Cartoonist for Hire…

Freelance Cartoonist for Hire with 37 years working as a professional commercial cartoonist! Draw from my extensive industry knowledge not only as a cartoonist abut also a creative mix designer for a smooth no headaches kind of job.

Make ’em laugh, make ’em think! Hire freelance cartoonist Chris Altham to create smart, humorous cartoons that resonate with your audience!

Editorial Cartoons

The Larks 24 Cartoon Economay Wash The Potteries local dialect strip cartoon
Buster & Barney Top of The Plops
Menopause Cartoon
Digital Currency Cartoon in school used by kids
The Larks 23 Foaty Winks Cartoon

Freelance Cartoonist for Animation and Storyboards

Recent Work

Cartoon animations to promote The Potteries Pound.

UK Cartoonist - Student Digs Crime Prevention Cartoon

Crime prevention cartoons

UK Cartoonist, cartoon animation

Animation Cartoons & Storyboarding

UK Cartoonist - Iraq City energy cartoon - client Chevron

Busy Scene Cartoons

Halloween SCARibble Cartoon Scene of Witches Ghosts and Ghouls

Seasonal cartoons like Halloween

Creative Mix Designer

On one hand I’m a cartoonist and on the other I’m a Creative Mix Designer.

Drop me Line & I'll tell you more

Experienced UK Freelance Cartoonist for Hire…

Working as a freelancer all these years has allowed me to work on a mass of varied projects with top creatives and marketers from around the world. So if you’re after an experienced professional cartoonist who knows how to successfull drive a project forward time and time again, drop me a line anytime.

UK Freelance Cartoonist for hire - sample of cartoon work, van life
The Larks Cartoon #13 - Pillow Rice, Potteries Dialect

The latest The Larks cartoon strip depicting daily life in the Potteries and  Staffordshire.

The Larks Cartoon #11 Potteries Dialect Cartoon Strip

A recent cartoon of The Larks, a saterical view of family life in The Potteries, Stoke on Trent.

It was only a matter of time...

Starting out with a ream of paper and a pack of pencils in 1988 I’ve worked through all of the main developments within the industry, running around collecting bromides & delivering pasteups, supping tea whilst Apple Macintosh booted up, faxing blank sheets and delight of dialup reducing the need to rush out in the rain to catch the late post.

And now the tinternet and digital tech era… which shrunk the world overnight and enabled me to work for clients around the globe like they were next door.

I still have that passion for running to keep up with the industry but I also have a passion for creative education, running cartoon workshops and private tuition but at a slower more comfy pace.

How to draw a sausage dog Dachshung cartoon
how to draw a cat cartoon
Dog cartoon spotty

Prices from £595+vat

Book Your Top Rated Freelance Cartoonist to Draw Attention to Your Next Event!

AGM’s, product launches, charity do’s, Chris can illustrate key points leaving a lasting image to be used again and again.

Who is this freelance cartoonist fella?

It's been an absolute doodle getting a scribble on all these years...

I originally set up as a cartoonist with the help of The Princes Trust back in 1988. Born into a creative family with an appreciation for all creative fields plus a natural thirst for learning is testament to my accomplishments as a creative mix designer. These skills are interwoven and prove a highly complimentary mix, enabling me to offer the whole caboodle and not just a doodle.

Rusty meets Dusty

Rusty meets Dusty

“Looking a bit tin on top there mr!”

“Hey, I thought you had a heart!”

Animated Watermelons Cartoon

Ooo er Vicar!

My Commercial Freelance Cartoonist Work – Global & Local

I’m a seasoned commercial cartoonist with a global clientele, and have carved my niche in the art of storytelling through humorous comic illustration. With years of experience under my belt, I skillfully blend creativity and professionalism to deliver captivating cartoons that resonate with audiences worldwide.

Whether it’s for advertising campaigns, editorial content, or corporate branding, my unique style and keen understanding of client needs ensure that each project is both impactful and memorable. With a strong passion for the art of cartooning, I strive to inspire others and draw attention to important messages by connecting my clients with their target audience, utilising the best way I know.

UK Cartoonist TOTAL Domestic Energy Cartoon

I have a long established proven track record of connecting clients with their target audiences. With a combined background as a UK freelance cartoonist PLUS a creative marketer, I’m able to pull many skills and vast experience together to help promote your next campaign.

You only get one with AI.

See the difference with a real cartoonist.

Editorial Cartoons

Editorial cartoons are often thought of as political cartoons, that reflect current topics and times. Along with this the field is so varied with cartoons accompanying many articles in printed press and online. Here are a selection of my own.

UK Political Cartoonist - Keir Starmer Sausage Drama cartoon

There’s never a shortage of inspiration for political cartoons – ‘Keir Starmer Sausage Drama’, ‘Steer Karma’. Ooo, I feel a Trump coming on…

Keir Starmer OAP Karma Cartoon Steer Karma

Steer Karma cartoon – pensioners struggling to heat their homes and keep their vehicles on the road.

Food for Thought UK Riots Cartoon Rioters

UK Riots cartoon – living in a multicultural society certainly has it’s benefits.

UK Cartoonist - Yoga Meditation Cartoon

Relax & Meditate cartoon – reaching that inner relaxed state where we can bare our souls.

UK Cartoonist - Heavy-Metal-Detectors

Heavy Metal Detectors cartoon – heavy metal detectors find Saxon in Barnsley.

Keep Warm Open the Fridge Cartoon, Cost of Living Crisis

Keep Warm Open the Fridge Cartoon, Cost of Living Crisis.

Digital Currency Cartoon in school used by kids

The use of digital currency by children cartoon.

NHS Walk this Way Cartoon - advice for keeping safe in these icy condition

NHS Walk this Way Cartoon – advice for keeping safe in icy conditions.

Dry January Cartoon - Pub Chat

Dry January Cartoon – Pub Chat.

UK freelance cartoonist book illustrator

Hodder Education Hodder Gibson Domestic Science Cartoon
Hodder Education Hodder Gibson Domestic Science Cartoon
Hodder Education Hodder Gibson Domestic Science Cartoon
Bloomsbury Publishing Karl Shaw Kings and Queens Book History Cartoon of soldiers playing football with Kings head
Bloomsbury Publishing Karl Shaw Kings and Queens Book History Cartoon of Witch and her Cat confessing to being a witch

Book Illustrations

for publishers including Hodder Education / Hodder Gibson, Bloomsbury Publishing and more.

Bloomsbury Publishing Karl Shaw Kings and Queens Book History Cartoon
Bloomsbury Publishing Illustrator Cartoonist

Organisations I’ve had the pleasure to cartoon…

37 years working from the UK as a freelance cartoonist for hundereds of great clients creating thousands of standout cartoons

Draw from my experience

Online Cartoon Classes Laptop Pic

Cartoon master classes for all ages and abilities.

What You’ll Learn:

I provide private tuition cartoon drawing classes inperson plus online.

If you want some inspiration there are some cartoons to draw here.

UK Cartoonist Chris Altham - Cartoon Workshops
How to draw a sausage dog Dachshung cartoon

How to draw a sausage dog Dachshung cartoon

how to draw a cat cartoon

How to draw a cat cartoon

I’ve scribbled my way to become one of the top UK Freelance Cartoonists, so if I can do it, so can you!

What are the types of work?

As you can imagine, with over 37 years I’ve created designs for an extensive arrary of projects, for example; health, tech, medicine, cycling, construction, law enforcement, sport, energy, education, pharma industry, tourism & leisure, education, publishing and loads loads more.

UK Cartoonist - Warmer Homes Domestic Energy Cartoon

Warmer Homes project for Centre Space Arts

The whole Caboodle, not just the Doodle...

Creative Mix Designer

SEN School Art and Cartoon Workshops sample of work

On one side I have my creative brain which never stops, the other is my marketer which knows just what to do with it.


The whole caboodle

Running along side my work as a long established cartoonist, I’m also an accomplished creative marketer. 

From design and print to web design and SEO, I have a provent track record to offer my clients the whole caboodle.

And if you’re after a highly creative individual to integrate seamlessly with your team, I’m ready to run from day one.

Drawing Tuition

Drawing Tuition

I provide tuition not just for drawing but computer skills, graphic and web design plus working with digital drawing tablets such as iPads and Wacom.

Digital Drawing Class Cartoon Workshops

Inspiring others is the best feeling.

Credit: Optical Designs Photography

37 years as a graphic designer, 30 years as a web designer and SEO guy.

My very first website was a basic html which reached nearly 2 million visitors within the first five years. This lead to me working for clients around the world.

Recent Freelance Cartoonist Projects

Digital Drawing Class Cartoon Workshops - Freelance Cartoonist Chris Altham

Online Cartooning Classes

A snippet from an online class held yesterday. We draw in stages and explain why each little bit of detail is included to bring each cartoon to life; illusion of height, fear, gravity, the weight of the belt, even perspective with the rungs on the ladder and so much more.

Read more: Private Art Tutor

UK Mural Artist and Freelance Cartoonist Chris Altham

Hand-Drawn Cartoon Mural

I was invited to create a 40 foot wide cartoon mural to showcase a creative digital tech exhibition. Very enjoyable and great feedback.


I’m proud to work in association with for murals and community focused projects
UK Mural Artist and Freelance Cartoonist Chris Altham

Banksy Revealed

Well it’s cartoon drawn in an old bank, so I’m claiming this one as my very own #banksy 😀

Freehand drawn on to painted boards using black Posca pens.

Create Days need 2B drawn, not just imagined

UK Freelance Cartoonist Chris Altham > every days a punday!

Teaching, Creating, Connecting, Inspiring, Nurturing the next gen of creatives


Proudly Supporting Creative Education

I illustrate easy to follow step by step cartoon tuition along with cartooning tips for students to develop and add their own flare. The cartoon classes are inspiring, supportive, friendly and always rewarding.

Wether working traditionally or digitally, all classes are an exciting creative journey with tips and advice that can last a lifetime.

Digital Drawing Classes for Kids Cartooning

Face-to-face + on-line tuition

Digital Drawing Classes for Kids Cartooning

Cartoonists of the future are just a scribble away!

My Cartoonist Work with Centre Space Arts

Creating engaging events that bring together communities through creativity + showcase critical matters, such as mental health, fuel poverty, community integration.

Grateful Credits:

Centre Space Arts  Community and Social Events Producers

Framescape  Community Digital Tech Creative Arts Studio

Optical Designs  Professional Community Events Photography

Digital Drawing Cartoon Workshops for Framescape

Framescape is a non-profit community project that is supporting, educating and inspiring current and future generations of digital and technical professionals in Stoke-on-Trent.

We are committed to cultivating local talent in collaboration with private-, public- and third- sector partners, establishing The Potteries as a national and global hub for the createch industry.

Grateful Credits:


Non-profit Community Digital Tech Creative Arts Studio – supporting, educating, inspiring current & future generations of digital & technical professionals in Stoke-on-Trent.

British Ceramics Biennial

A contemporary ceramics festival in Stoke-on-Trent that runs every two years alongside year-round artist residencies, commissions & learning. Next biennial: Sat 22nd Feb 2025

Natalie Willatt


Freelance Cartoonist for Hire

As a long established Freelancer Cartoonist and Illustrator, I create designs for clients across the country: London, Watford, Bristol, Birmingham, Nottingham, Stoke, Cheshire, Shropshire, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh and further afield online: America, Canada, Mexico, France, Italy, Australia, New Zealand amongst others.

UK Freelance Cartoonist Divider cartoon strip